July City Council Recap

Communication and Tax Abatement

The July city council meeting was about 2 hours long. I recorded the meeting below and you can click on a timestamp to jump to that part of the meeting.

Here’s what I focused on this meeting:

  • Exploring a DORA for our downtown district.

  • Opposition to a tax abatement on the table (it passed 5-2 but will come back in August)


  • 00:00 Opening and Pledge of Allegiance

  • 00:27 Roll Call and Attendance

  • 00:50 Public Comments: Water Issues Downtown

  • 02:50 Mayor's Report on Water Project

  • 05:08 Communication Challenges and Solutions

  • 10:10 Discussion on Improving Communication

  • 35:42 Department Head Reports

  • 35:52 Parks Department Updates

  • 36:34 July 4th Celebration Review

  • 37:05 Future of July 4th Events

  • 42:56 Council Reports and New Initiatives

  • 43:14 Designated Outdoor Refreshment Area (DORA) Proposal

  • 53:59 Community Events and Announcements

  • 55:25 Parking Issues at Elliott and Evans View Drive

  • 57:03 Trucks Causing Problems Downtown

  • 01:00:06 Approval of June 13, 2023 Meeting Minutes

  • 01:00:46 Approval of Claims and Financial Updates

  • 01:10:34 Ordinances in Second Reading

  • 01:14:16 New Business: Economic Development Target Area

  • 01:39:49 Federal Grants Policies and Compliance

  • 01:46:28 Upcoming Meetings and Adjournment