Greencastle Tree Board Meeting On 4/3/24

Come and join this public meeting!

The Greencastle Tree Board has a public meeting on 4/3/24 at 3PM in City Hall.

Below you can view the packet that has been distributed to the Tree Board members as well as the ordinance that established the tree board (including all amendments)

One of the major topics we will discuss is how to replace the trees downtown after construction. You can view the entire agenda below.

I’ve heard various opinions that I will add to the bottom of this post. I welcome all options, comments, and concerns. I also encourage anyone able to attend to join us during this meeting.

Suggestions From City Residents

Thank you for taking the time to look into trees to plant for our lovely town. I am by no means any kind of expert, but just a few minutes on google has me thinking that some good options might possibly be some Sugar Maple, Black Tupelo (also known as Black Gum or Sour Gum), Hackberry, and last but most strongly recommended: the common Witch Hazel. 

Thank you for your consideration. 

One resident suggested to me in person that replacing the trees with planters or small bushes would help showcase their downtown business storefront.

While it's front of mind for me, I hope the tree board can help ensure a coordinated landscaping effort so that all four sides of the square have similar native trees (serviceberry, redbud or such), even though INDOT's only tearing out two sides. Safe travels to you and thanks for all you do.