City Council 2/8/24

My thoughts from tonight.

Greencastle City Council 2/8/2024

Vincent Aguirre - 4th Ward

Table of Contents

Meeting Agenda and Claims

Meeting Recording

General Thoughts

Generally an standard meeting with the UTV Ordinance being the focal point. I encourage anyone interested to listen to the recording above.

Thoughts on the UTV Ordinance Being Tabled AGAIN

I made a motion to approve the ordinance but it did not receive a second so the motion died. Mayor Dunbar spoke in favor of the ordinance prior to my motion.

EDIT MADE ON 2/9/24 at 9:20am.

Regardless of your opinion on the ordinance I think we can all agree that city council needs to make a decision. In recent memory there has not been an ordinance tabled this many times or a council so unwilling to make a decision. If this is any indication of the next 4 years I fear we will never make any relevant decisions until a new council takes over in 2028.

Perfection is the enemy of progress and while my colleagues claim they do not feel comfortable with the requirement of signs on our roads I’m not convinced that it’s a reason to fail to make a decision.

While we wait on the next vote we will now be enforcing all UTV violations within city limits until a decision is made.

These are my thoughts, not official minutes and not a representation of the city of Greencastle, city employees, or any member of the city council.